| Just a quick note to say thanks for the development of this software.
I've just registered it and am VERY happy with it! Rarely does a program strike me with just one or two uses... yours has done
that and MORE! (A. Cruz)

| I think the product is great, and easy to use, especially intuitive...
When I tried the crossword on my students, I found it worked a treat - some of the normally less-interested students even stayed back for 1/2 hour to complete it... (Susie M.)

| This is
a GREAT program - and helps my child immensely with his spelling assignments. (Becki S)

| I use a lot of wordsearches and crosswords in my 8th grade history class... to introduce chapters, vocabulary... to review, etc. I like to make my own so that they are more relevant to my students. I used to do that on an old Apple program which I can't use anymore because the program and the computer I had was outdated, of course. I've been looking for a good one ever since, and I think I've found it. (T.R. Doon)

After years of searching, I discovered your WORDSHEETS software on the
Internet and purchased it. I am the director of an after-school child
care program, and I must tell you how much my kids love doing
wordsearches made with your help. Even my non-readers are hunkered over wordsearches that they have helped me create (they and their parents prepare lists for me). I still can't get them into crosswords, but that will come. Thank you for this wonderful tool! (Carol P)

| Great software. Attractive and easy to use. I have already been spreading the word. I will use it a great deal with my students in the coming school year. (Sidney W.)

| I am a teacher and use this constantly. I even had two of my coworkers to purchase it. (Rick L)

| My husband and I are both teachers and LOVE your product. It really is great. I have tried many other crossword programs out there and this is, by far, the best! Keep up the good work! (Todd & Nora H)

| I teach Industrial Technology classes at the high school level, and your program is ideal for my students. (Richard J)

| I have been a user of your products for years and love the quality. (Doreen G)

| This has been an awesome tool for Balanced Literacy. As I move from Kindergarten to 1st grade I see even more possibilities. (Marcia H)

| I use [your worksheet maker] all of the time and cannot live without it (Adrienne F)

| I teach learning disabled students in a public school setting, and I preview and review vocabulary with them using the wordsheets. They love doing the puzzles and it makes the vocabulary "stick," enabling recall and recognition when they take classroom and state exams.
(Kathleen F)

| this is one of the very, very few programs that i have purchsed online that i have been absolutely, 100% happy with. i use
it all the time and i've never had a problem or a glitch. great program and
great customer service. (Jodie H)

| I love getting to use Wordsheets, and my students like the puzzles. I've done puzzles on Beowulf, Hamlet, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Canterbury Tales, Research Paper, etc., and these puzzles are a great teaching tool. (Kenneth H)

| Still getting a lot of use out of Wordsheets - it's one of the best software
investments I've made (Susan C)

| I love your software. The puzzles are a great addition to my adult English-as-a-second-language classes. ... I've tried others and yours is the easiest to use. (Hanna G)

| I tried out several puzzle makers. They all had their bugs. Word Sheet seems
to be the program I have been looking for. (Heiko A)

| I can't tell
you how nice it is to have a customer service rep who can actually
SERVICE THE CUSTOMER. Thanks again, you've made this teacher's day a
lot easier. ... P.S. This program kicks butt!! I love wordsheets! (
Fritz R)

| It was very quick and easy, I am a sophomore at a local university & I needed to have a handout for a class presentation it did not take long to figure out how to use it or to print out, and my fellow classmates really enjoyed it. (B. Wang)

| I think I'm in love with your program. (Doc J.)

| Greetings! I downloaded your program and LOVE it. (Ken F.)

| I had a copy of Wordsheets v.4 and then I upgraded to V. 5. I love this program!! (Carol M.)

| Ideal for my students. (Anon)

| They are a very useful and fun tool to develop my students spelling and vocabulary skills. (Zeek)

| It is very easy to understand & use. (Sterling)

I like the ease of entering words and the flexibility it provides. (S. Matti)

| ...It is very easy to use (Linda M)

| The design of entering word list was fantastic. (Coburn)

| Thanks for the work on this program. I enjoyed using it. (Lynn P)

| I am going to recommend this program to my children's school. (BJD)

| Very easy... Nice program... Made me look like a hero!! Thanks ...5 stars. (D Herron)

| I like this program because I can make word searches for my daughter using her spelling words. (Anon)

| I downloaded your puzzle program, which I love. (Gail B)

| Thanks for a great little software aid. I rarely buy noncommercial software (poor tech support, here today-gone tomorrow, quickly outdated), but I shall make an exception for your little gem of a program. Keep up the good work! (Garth A)

| I am primarily using this to have fun with spelling words. I like the fact that I can print of several different searches at the same difficulty level. Then change the level and do more without having to start all over again. (Frances S)