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Copyright 2000-05
by Qualint


The purpose of our sample page is to allow people to print the worksheets from their browser and then use a pencil to complete them. If you're intersted in doing something similar, here's the general outline of what we did.

To create lower quality .gif files (These work fine for smaller puzzles at larger fonts, but large puzzles at small fonts are not very clear).

  1. Create the desired puzzle with Wordsheets
  2. Press the Export button
  3. Choose to export to a file.
  4. Enter your filename
  5. Choose a file type of GIF
  6. Choose For the Web resolution
  7. Click the buttons to Export the Worksheet and key

Creating higher quality .pdf files is also easy if you have a virtual PDF printer installed, simply choose the PDF printer when you print.

If you don't have a virtual PDF printer, there are many ways to get one. The full version of Adobe Acrobat (not the reader) has many PDF creation options, including a PDF printer. There are also several other commercial and free PDF creators. One of the free PDF printers is called PrimoPDF. We have done some limited testing of PrimoPDF and found that it is easy to install and creates good PDF's. This is a link to download the PrimoPDF installation program.